Jr. High Youth Ministry
Meeting Schedule 2024-2025
Jr. High Youth Ministry is open to all 7th-8th students of Queen of Martyrs School and the St. Gianna Parish community. Meetings will take place once a month in the St. Joseph Room from 6:30-8pm. All teens MUST be registered in order to participate in monthly Jr. High Meetings. Please fill out the Google Form HERE.
Next Meeting: March 11th, April 15th, and May 15th

Annual M&M Meeting! Teens disucss their unique gifts from God.
Urban Air Adventure Park
Youth Ministry is headed to Urban Air Adventure Park Friday, March 7, 2025 from 7-9pm. $36 includes pizza, pop and access to jumping/climbing activities. Open to all 7th-12th Graders of St. Gianna Parish.
Complete the Google Form to attend. Register and submit payment by 2/28.
Feed My Starving Children
Thursday, February 27th join Youth Ministry to pack meals from 6pm-9:30pm. Open to all 7th and 8th grade teens of the parish. Sign up now to reserve your space at FMSC. Complete the Google Form to register.
Jr. High Youth Leadership Board
Are you a Jr. High student looking to step into leadership for Youth Ministry? Do you want to participate in service opportunities, lead prayer, and plan social outings? Look for more details this Spring!!