Join the Science and STEM Clubs!

Wildcat Scientist Club (Grades K-4)
QM Science and STEM Club (Grades 5-8)
Are you interested in becoming a scientist, love experiments, or just love science? This is the club for you!
During each session, students in the Wildcat Scientist Club and QM Science and STEM Club will work in the science lab performing experiments and competing in contests. Students will put into practice grade level concepts they learned through STEM and science discovery and experimentation.
Science Clubs will meet on Wednesday after school from 3:00 - 3:45 in the science labs. The two groups will meet separately in different science labs.
The cost is $10.00 per session to help offset the cost of the experiments. A snack will be provided.
A google sign up form will be sent in the Principal’s weekly newsletter for the next month’s experiments and the fee should be submitted to the Main Office in an envelope with the student's name. An extra fee may be required if the experiment requires extra supplies out of the ordinary. Because we are performing experiments that require supervision at times, each session will be limited to 24 students with students working with partners.
Please contact Mrs. Margaret Gruener or Mrs. Lisa Gagner with any questions.