Join the Queen of Martyrs Family

Early Childhood Events
Queen of Martyrs has events throughout the year for parents of prospective Preschoolers, Kindergarteners, and 1st graders. In addition to our Little Wildcats Program, these events give parents the opportunity to meet the teachers and administration, visit the classrooms, ask important questions, and meet other parents.
Each of the Early Childhood Open House Events allows for children to play and explore in the classrooms through story time, arts/craft, and play time in the rooms while parents have a chance to speak with our administration and Admissions Officer, Mrs. Meagan O'Connor- Roossien.
Parents can register for the event ahead of time with the provided links. Walkups are welcome.
Join us for one or all of the following events!
Early Childhood Valentine's Day Open House: February 12, 2025 ~ 6:00-7:00pm
Early Childhood Spring Open House: April 9, 2025 ~ 6:00-7:00pm

Shadow Days

At Queen of Martyrs, we believe experiencing our classrooms is the best way to get to know us. On shadow days, students will spend the day attending class and getting to know our students and teachers. It’s an interactive day that truly gives prospective students insight into life at Queen of Martyrs.
Parents should complete a student inquiry form and Mrs. Meagan Roossien-O'Connor will contact each family to setup/confirm a shadow day. Once a date has been set, students may be dropped off at the Main Office with a lunch for the day at 7:45am. Students will be dismissed at 2:45pm and parents can pick them up at the Main Office. Students should dress casually and neat - polos shirts, khaki pants, sweaters, gym shoes, etc.
We look forward to meeting our Future Wildcats!
Any day that Queen of Martyrs is in session may be requested, however, the following days are suggested:
Tuesday, January 21st
Tuesday, February 25th
Monday, March 3rd
Tuesday, April 1st
Wednesday, April 23rd