We are excited to announce that Queen of Martyrs School will be celebrating our “Blue and White Night: Inspiring a Brighter Future Fundraiser” on Saturday, April 5th from 6:00-11:00 pm at Queen of Martyrs School (Vitha Hall). We are looking forward to an amazing evening with live entertainment, food, beer, wine and fun.
This year we will honor Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Eleanor Griegel with a LifeTime WildCat Achievement Award for over 50 years of their dedication to our school and parish community. We hope you can join us to celebrate their tremendous contributions and dedication to our parish and Queen of Martyrs School.
Scanning the QR Code or using the link https://one.bidpal.net/qmblueandwhite2025/welcome
will bring you to the QM Blue and White Fundraiser platform and allow you to
Purchase event entrance tickets
Donate as a business sponsor
Become a family sponsor
Submit chances for Featured Raffle Items (Begins on Monday, March 17th)
As part of our event, we will pull a lucky winner of our Grand Raffle. The top prize is $10,000 with additional awards of $2,500, three $1,000, and two $500 prizes. Grand Raffle tickets cost $50 each, or you can purchase three for $125, or five for $200.
Raffle Tickets will be mailed out to QM Families and St. Gianna Parishioners the week of March 3rd.
Please consider purchasing or selling Grand Raffle tickets. Tickets stubs can be returned to the Main Office, the Rectory or dropped in the Sunday collection basket in an envelope with payment. If you would like more tickets, please contact the school at (708) 422-1540.
We remind our school families of the required fundraising expectation of purchasing two Grand Raffle tickets per family. Please consider purchasing additional tickets or selling them to friends and family.
Our school community is truly grateful for the continued support of our families and parishioners. The proceeds from the Grand Raffle and Blue and White Fundraiser will benefit our students as we continue to update our facilities and grow our enrollment.
Beginning on Monday, March 17th, Raffle Prizes and Baskets will be posted on the QM Blue and White Platform for chances to win amazing prizes and baskets.
Chances to win amazing prizes will be available online for $20 per chance and include items such as sports tickets, TVs, date nights, etc.
Chances for Live Raffle Baskets will be sold at the fundraiser on Saturday, April 5th ~ 1 ticket for $5, 3 for $10 or 7 tickets for $20.
Along with our local business sponsors, we ask for our school and parish families to consider sponsoring the event with a family donation of $500 using the QR code above. This family donation will include:
4 tickets to the QM Blue and White Night Fundraiser
2 Grand Raffle Tickets
Your family’s recognition at the event on a digital banner and on our social media. Family members' names, year graduated, or current year of school should be included with the donation.
Interested families may contact the Principal at sdavidson@qmschool.com with any additional questions.
As a local community member, we ask for your support by sponsoring the event. We hope you recognize that this is an exceptional opportunity to advertise locally, as well as a great way to support those who have supported you over the years.
There are two ways to donate:
Donate to QM Blue and White as a Sponsors.
Donate Auction Items
If you are interested in one of the following packages or would like to donate merchandise for raffle baskets (Gift cards, items, services, etc), please use the link provided and utilize the Site Menu to complete donations. https://one.bidpal.net/qmblueandwhite2025/welcome
Thank you for making the “Inspiring a Brighter Future” fundraiser a tremendous success.