As we head into Thanksgiving later this week, it's a good time to recognize what we're all thankful for...and we're thankful we're all one big Wildcat Family!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Great to be a Wildcat
As we begin preparations for Thanksgiving, our 3rd grade Wildcats made balloon floats in honor of the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade. We wrote letters to the head of Macys to convince him to pick our balloons! Then we paraded around the school with our balloons.
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Thanksgiving Balloon 23 - 2
Thanksgiving Balloon 23 - 3
Thanksgiving Balloon 23 - 4
Thanksgiving Balloon 23 - 1
Don't forget to join us TOMORROW - Sunday, November 19th at our 10:30am Family mass! We celebrate our 8th Grade and Preschool Classes (3 and 4 year olds) and ask for God’s blessings for them and their families.
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Family Mass
Join us this Sunday, November 19th at our 10:30am Family mass! We celebrate our 8th Grade and Preschool Classes (3 and 4 year olds) and ask for God’s blessings for them and their families.
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Family Mass
Join us this Sunday, November 19th at our 10:30am Family mass! We celebrate our 8th Grade and Preschool Classes (3 and 4 year olds) and ask for God’s blessings for them and their families.
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Family Mass
TRIVIA NIGHT RAISES OVER $10,000 FOR QM SCHOLARSHIPS On Friday, November 10th, Queen of Martyrs Gym was packed with nearly 300 parents, parishioners, alumni, friends, and family members to support our annual Trivia Night! The night was great fun and a tremendous success. Along with some great trivia questions (especially for the Swifties out there), food, drinks, and laughter were shared among friends the entire evening. Teams battled it out over 6 rounds to prove just how smart our school community truly is. We thank the FSA and the many individuals who worked so hard to create this event. We are especially grateful to our local high schools and businesses who donated gifts towards our Raffle Baskets! Congratulations to all our winners especially those who took home the Split the Pot Raffle, the 22 Raffle Baskets, and our $1,000 Grand Raffle Prize. The night raised over $10,000 for our Queen of Martyrs Scholarship Funds! We are so blessed to have such a generous and committed community supporting us. Go Wildcats! If you were unable to participate in Trivia Night, but would like to support Queen of Martyrs Scholarships, please visit our website at and consider giving.
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Trivia Night 2023
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and we know our Wildcats are going to make sure everyone in our community will be able to celebrate! Remember, this is the last week to bring items into the office!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Thanksgiving Food Drive
The 2nd installment of the QM Legoland Club is TOMORROW...who's coming out?
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Don't forget, tonight is our Early Childhood Open House for new students from PreSchool through 1st grade. We hope you'll attend if you have a child entering any of those grades for the 2024/25 school year OR if you know of someone who is looking for a great school for their kids...we hope you tell them about QM!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Open House 11/13
With last week's elections, our 4 year old preschool learned about the voting process! We held our own class election to cast our votes for Clifford the Big Red dog or Pete the Cat. Everyone was excited to tally our votes to find Clifford to be the winner of our class voting!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Voting 2
Voting 3
Voting 4
Voting 5
Voting 6
Voting 7
Voting 8
Voting 9
Voting 1
Queen of Martyrs is hosting the first of three early childhood open house events with activities for students grades Prek 3 through First Grade. "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" will have snacks and activities for the little ones and a chance for parents to meet our teachers, tour our newly renovated primary wing, and discuss all the great things happening at QM with our Principal. We hope to see you on Monday at 6pm!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Open House Nov
In honor of Veterans Day, our 3rd Graders made lapbooks to learn more about Veterans Day! We are grateful for the service and sacrifice of our veterans!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Veterans Day
It's that time of year and we Wildcats are there for our community!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Food Drive 2023
Queen of Martyrs is hosting the first of three early childhood open house events with activities for students grades Prek 3 through First Grade. "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" will have snacks and activities for the little ones and a chance for parents to meet our teachers, tour our newly renovated primary wing, and discuss all the great things happening at QM with our Principal. We hope to see you on Monday, November 13th at 6pm!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Charlie Brown Open House
Congratulations to our 7th Grade Lady Wildcats Basketball Team for their 1st Place finish this past weekend in the Girls South Division 2023 Tournament! Way to go ladies!!!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Girls Bball Nov 23 II
Girls Bball Nov 23
Girls Bball Nov 2023 3
We want to thank everyone who joined us yesterday for our First Responders Mass. Additionally, we also said a prayer by the St Michael statue after mass. As you all know, First Responders hold a very special place in our hearts and we are honored to celebrate them.
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
First Responders Mass 2
First Responders Mass 3
First Responders Mass 4
First Responders Mass 5
First Responders Mass 10
First Responders Mass 6
First Responders Mass 7
First Responders Mass 8
First Responders Mass 9
First Responders Mass 1
It's coming this Friday night! Have you made your reservation yet?
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Trivia Night
Who's ready to join our QM Legoland Club? Our first session was a HUGE success and the next one is coming up on November 14th!!!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
We hope to see you all TOMORROW MORNING at our special First Responders Mass AND we hope you participate in our 2nd collection at mass, dedicated to our all new QM First Responders Scholarship Fund!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
First Respond Mass 2023
NEXT FRIDAY! Who wants to win $1,000 in school credit AND have a great night of fun to boot? Don't miss out on this wonderful event and the chance at a big tuition prize!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Trivia Night Grand Raffle