Happy Thanksgiving Wildcats!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Thanksgiving 2022
Let's all do some good this holiday season and help the children in the NICU at Advocate Children's Hospital!!!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
NICU Donations
This past Tuesday, our 7th grade boys competed in the St Rita math challenge escape room. 17 groups participated...we came in first place AND third place. Way to go guys!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Math Challenge 2022 1
Math Challenge 2022 2
Our sixth grade students recently studied the body systems and are now studying plants. To tie the two areas of study together, they performed a lab experiment using celery and colored water. The experiment allowed students to review their knowledge of the circulatory system and "capillary" action. The small "vessels" in the celery stalks carry the water and color to the leaves, like the way blood travels through your body. Isn't that cool?
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
6th Grade Science 1
Sixth Grade Science 2
Where did all these turkeys come from??? PreK-3 through 2nd grade learned about the first Thanksgiving and made turkey crowns during library. The children are so excited to eat turkey and pie next week!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Turkeys 2022 1
Turkeys 2022 2
Turkeys 2022 3
REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS TODAY If you or anyone you know could benefit from this evening, we urge you to attend...
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Coping With The Holidays
Last Friday, our 3rd grade Wildcats made some wonderful artwork on Veterans Day to let all the Veterans know how much they appreciate them for all the sacrifices they have made. Thank you all for your service!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Veterans Day 3rd Grade 2022
If you or anyone you know could benefit from this evening, we urge you to attend. Be sure to register no later than tomorrow...
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Coping With The Holidays
Parent / Teacher Conferences are coming! Time is running out to sign up so be sure to sign up today!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Parent Teacher Conference
If you or anyone you know could benefit from this evening, we urge you to attend. Be sure to register no later than Tuesday, Nov 15th...
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Coping With The Holidays
It might only be in the 30's today but yesterday, it was 75 degrees and our 4th graders high tailed it outside for some exciting games of four-square!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Four square 1
Four square 2
Four square 3
Parent / Teacher Conferences are coming! Be sure to sign up today!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Parent Teacher Conferences
We thank each and every one of you for your service.
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Veterans Day
When it's 75 degrees only six weeks before Christmas, you take advantage of it! Father Benedykt 'cruised by' and visited the 3rd grade while they were outside for gym class today.
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
3rd Grade Gym_Outside_Nov 2022
A note from the Bofinger family with...spoiler alert...a happy ending!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Bofinger letter
Diagnosis Day
End of Chemo Day
Parent / Teacher Conferences are coming! Be sure to sign up today!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Parent Teacher Conferences
TONIGHT!!!! Come see your favorite teachers all dressed up in Pie Costumes...and don't forget to pay with cash!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
McDonalds 2022
Everyone knows what to do BEFORE Halloween, but what do you do with your Jack-O-Lantern when Halloween is over? In 4-Year Old Full Day Preschool, we took our "Pumpkin Jack" to the Science Lab to participate in a Chemistry experiment. The Preschooler's watched a chemical reaction between a base of baking soda and an acid of slowly poured vinegar with added food coloring! Everyone was excited to watch the pumpkin erupt during this fun STEM activity! We then placed a piece of the Jack-o-Lantern in a jar so that the students will be able to observe it slowly decompose. What a fun way to learn about the life cycle of a pumpkin!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Pumpkin Stem 1
Pumpkin Stem 2
Pumpkin Stem 3
Pumpkin Stem 4
We hope to see you all at Mass this morning! And don't forget, Wildcats can wear red, white & blue today!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Veterans Day Mass 2022
Remember, no need to cook tomorrow night, IT'S BIG MACS FOR EVERYONE...or maybe the delicious McRib! Come see your favorite teachers all dressed up in Pie Costumes...and don't forget to pay with cash!
about 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
McDonalds 2022