After the all school Mass today, Fr. Benedykt blessed the younger students with their stuffed animals in honor of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4th.
They sang “God Made the Animals” and talked about taking care of God’s creation.

Who is ready for a movie night? Hope to see you and the entire family NEXT Friday!

Congratulations to our 3rd and 4th Grade Soccer Team! So far, the team is 4-0-2 on the season and having a great time together! Come out and support the team at Yukich Park on Wed 10/11 (5:30pm), Fri 10/13 (5:30pm), & Sat 10/14 (9:00am). Go Wildcats!

We need your help to make Boys Basketball happen this season. Please email Mr. Davidson at SDavidson@qmschool.com for details!

Today was our 1st "Spirit Wear Friday" at QM. Principal Mr. Davidson, our teachers, and students were wearing the 23/24 “This is Our House” Spirit Shirt created by Mady Langle. What a great shirt! Go Wildcats!

Only two weeks away - mark your calendars!

Join us Sunday - November 5th for a special First Responders Mass!

We need your help to make Boys Basketball happen this season. Please email Mr. Davidson at SDavidson@qmschool.com for details!

The School Advisory Board has been established to act as a liaison between the school’s administration (our principal and pastor), our current school families, and the broader parish and local communities.
In Year One, the SAB will consist of five to seven members. In Year Two and Year Three, two additional members will be added to allow for future overlapping terms (nine members total). Each is selected by the pastor and principal with input and/or nominations from the school community.
If you would like to nominate a school parent or parishioner for the SAB, please send an email to Mr. Davidson at sdavidson@qmschool.com with a letter of recommendation. The letter of recommendation should explain why your nominee would be a great board member who will help promote and advance the Catholic mission of Queen of Martyrs School. Please visit the School Advisory Board website for additional information.

One more day of Gianna Fest!

It's Day #2 for Gianna Fest!

It's the weekend we've all been waiting for! Gianna Fest (formerly Martyrs Fest) is finally here. How many Wildcats are we going to see this weekend? Let us know in the comments!

Gianna Fest (formerly Martyrs Fest) is this weekend and we've got some special doings for our Wildcat alum on Saturday 9/23. Hope to see you all there because remember, Once A Wildcat...ALWAYS A Wildcat!

Wildcats - Join the QM Choir!
All students from 3rd through 8th grade are invited to share their talents as members of the Queen of Martyrs School Choir (QMSC)! The choir meets after school on Wednesdays in Room 6 and/or the Church from 2:50-3:30pm.
First practice is today!!!

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Student Council members who were installed today at our all school Mass. We are so proud of your leadership!
Jahmel McGee President
Matthew Clark Vice President
Penny Griffin Treasurer
Mara Westman Secretary
5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Homeroom Representatives:
Ava Derouin 8th Grade
Kelly Rice 7th Grade
Maira Kovar 7th Grade
Charlotte Westman 6th Grade
Julian Lewis 6th Grade
Carloine Konieczny 5th Grade
Axel Huer 5th Grade

Mega Passes for Gianna Fest are ON SALE NOW! Passes will be sold exclusively in person and NOT sold through the school so be sure to check the dates, times and locations to get yours. NEXT SALE IS THIS EVENING!

Welcome back Wildcats!

This year Gianna Fest is to include a Basket Raffle Booth. Donations are now being accepted through soliciting local businesses and parishioners.
If you or the company for whom you work are able to make a cash donation, donate an item, or a gift card which would make an attractive prize, please contact Nancy Andrasco at (773) 820-1725 or Brigid Hansen at (773)816-4489, to arrange for pick-up. Donations can be brought to the rectory or school office during hours of operation. Deadline for donations is Sept 19th. Donor names will be listed on a poster displayed in the booth.
Basket Raffle Tickets will being sold during Gianna Fest for $1 each or six (6) tickets for $5. Winners will be drawn on Sunday, September 24th, 2023 at 9:00 pm.

Mega Passes for Gianna Fest are ON SALE NOW! Passes will be sold exclusively in person and NOT sold through the school so be sure to check the dates, times and locations to get yours. NEXT SALE IS THIS WEEKEND!

Have you made your plans to come hang out with your old classmates next weekend? We've got some special doings for our Wildcat alum on Saturday 9/23. Hope to see you all there because remember, Once A Wildcat...ALWAYS A Wildcat!