Congratulations to Queen of Martyrs 2020 graduates Noah Gertonson, Dominic Polselli, and Danny Morris for being inducted into the National Honor Society at St Rita. Once a Wildcat, Always a Wildcat!

It's fall and that means AFFY TAPPLES!!!
Once again, Queen of Martyrs FSA is hosting our annual Affy Tapple fundraiser. Peanut, Caramel, and sprinkle 🍏 are $2.25 each or $48 per case. Caramel and chocolate dipped pretzel sticks are $30 per box.
Order forms are due back in the school office by September 21st. If you need another form, please contact the office.

Have you heard of QM's new Sharing (Tuition Reduction & Fundraising) Program?
Sharing is a great way to earn tuition credit while shopping and dining at local establishments and online. Families purchase gift cards online or in person for over 750 vendors who participate in this program. Families then earn a rebate for every card they purchase with the vendor setting the percentage of the rebate. This makes shopping at stores you already frequent beneficial because it reduces your tuition bill and raises money for the school at the same time.
Once a family signs up for the program, twice a year (January and July) they will receive a rebate based on their purchases. The school earns 50% of the percentage and the family receives 50% towards their tuition. For those participating that do not have children in the school, you can designate a student to donate your rebate to or receive a check.
Visit our Sharing Program page on our website to learn more!

Have a great week Wildcats!

Don't forget - the deadline is Monday morning (9/11)!!
Which one of our Wildcats has the chops to design our new shirt? The logos that you can use are on this attached graphic - just copy and paste it into your design. Don't worry, if your design is selected we will send over the appropriate files to the printer so it is crisp / not blurry. Good luck everyone!

Mega Passes for Gianna Fest are ON SALE NOW! Passes will be sold exclusively in person and NOT sold through the school so be sure to check the dates, times and locations to get yours. NEXT SALE IS TODAY!

How many Moms are coming out tonight? We hope to see you there!

Which one of our Wildcats has the chops to design our new shirt? The logos that you can use are on this attached graphic - just copy and paste it into your design. Don't worry, if your design is selected we will send over the appropriate files to the printer so it is crisp / not blurry. Good luck everyone!

Mega Passes for Gianna Fest are ON SALE NOW! Passes will be sold exclusively in person and NOT sold through the school so be sure to check the dates, times and locations to get yours. NEXT SALE IS TONIGHT AT BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT!

Our Junior High Students spent several days last week studying and discussing the Scientific Method. To conclude their study, they conducted an experiment testing how long it would take to dissolve denture tablets in hot and cold water. Way to go Wildcats!

Don't forget, tonight is QM's Back To School Night from 7pm - 8pm. Get to know your children's teachers and hear about our curriculum. This event is for Parents only. Meet in the gym.

Students should dress in their finest for pictures. With the forecasted heat, Khaki shorts and gym shoes are acceptable for picture day. Students do not need to wear dress pants and dress shoes as pictures are upper body only.

Hey Moms...anybody ready for a night out?

Mega Passes for Gianna Fest are ON SALE NOW! Passes will be sold exclusively in person and NOT sold through the school so be sure to check the dates, times and locations to get yours. NEXT SALE IS ON SEPTEMBER 6th!

Join our QM family!

Speaking of The Fest, come one come all and come hang out with your old classmates! We've got some special doings for our Wildcat alum on Saturday 9/23. Hope to see you all there because remember, Once A Wildcat...ALWAYS A Wildcat!

Mark it on your calendar...GIANNA FEST (formerly Martyrs Fest) is just a few weeks away!

This year Gianna Fest is to include a Basket Raffle Booth. Donations are now being accepted through soliciting local businesses and parishioners.
If you or the company for whom you work are able to make a cash donation, donate an item, or a gift card which would make an attractive prize, please contact Nancy Andrasco at (773) 820-1725 or Brigid Hansen at (773)816-4489, to arrange for pick-up. Donations can be brought to the rectory or school office during hours of operation. Deadline for donations is Sept 19th. Donor names will be listed on a poster displayed in the booth.
Basket Raffle Tickets will being sold during Gianna Fest for $1 each or six (6) tickets for $5. Winners will be drawn on Sunday, September 24th, 2023 at 9:00 pm.

Join our QM family!

Look what's coming! Stay tuned for more info!