Only a few weeks of summer left Wildcats!

School is coming and while it's not in session just quite yet, we are here for you! Summer Office hours are still in effect but reach out if you need us!

Just a reminder, our QM Office Staff is here to answer any questions you might have. Summer office hours are in effect until August 18th.

ALL QM Students and Families are invited to join us to kick off the school year in style!
Join us at 10:30a mass and be sure to bring your book bags for a blessing!
After Mass, Father Benedykt will bless the newly renovated Pre-K through 1st grade classrooms.
Attend the blessings get a first peek at the new renovations in the primary wing!

Congratulations to our very own Dottie Spencer. This weekend, Dottie and her teammates from Chicago Aquatic Water Polo Club traveled to Dallas, TX for the Jr. Olympics! The teams went 7-0 to bring home the Platinum Gold! Way to go!!!!

ALL QM Students and Families are invited to join us to kick off the school year in style!
Join us at 10:30a mass and be sure to bring your book bags for a blessing!
After Mass, Father Benedykt will bless the newly renovated Pre-K through 1st grade classrooms.
Attend the blessings get a first peek at the new renovations in the primary wing!

Do you know anyone who might be looking at Queen of Martyrs for their child / children? Tell them how much you love QM and send them this flyer! The best form of advertising is word of mouth!

Are you Wildcats keeping cool?

Happy 4th of July!!!

What an amazing turnout for the annual 4th of July Parade! Thanks to every one of our families who dressed up and came out to be part of our float. Summertime is in full swing! Happy 4th of July everyone!!!

A big round of applause for a great Summer league season. Can't wait to see them on the court again this upcoming season when they are all in 6th grade!

Renovations are under way at QM! Staff, students and Principal Davidson all came together this past Wednesday to kick off the renovation of the primary wing with a “Clean Out Day.”
The scope of this summer’s project includes:
* A makeover of the Main Lobby
* New paint, carpet, and window treatments in the six Pre-K through 1st grade classrooms
* New paint, carpet, and window treatments in the library
* New paint and carpet in the main office
* Addition of new 75” Promethean Interactive Smart Boards in all primary wing classrooms
* Addition of new iPads to allow for each primary grade class to have one to one devices on demand
* Upgrades to classroom furniture in Pre-K through 1st Grade classrooms
* New drop ceilings in the main entrance and primary wing hallway
“This is just the beginning of a multiple year campaign to modernize our facilities, upgrade our technology, and add enrichment programs for our students,” continued Mr. Davidson, “We love the excitement behind these upgrades and the positive impact it will have in our classrooms starting this fall."
Queen of Martyrs School is planning a summer appeal to alumni and benefactors to provide greater scholarship opportunities for students to receive a Catholic education and grow the school’s enrollment. Additionally, administration is working with an EANS Grant to upgrade technology in all Grade 3 through Grade 8 classrooms for this upcoming school year.

Do you know anyone who is looking for just the right school for their child / children? RECOMMEND QM! The best vote of confidence is word of mouth!

Our first ever Cow Pie Bingo has come and gone and it was a blast! Being as the cow failed to provide what we had hoped for, we had to draw names for the prizes and they were as follows:
1st Place: Dow Family
2nd Place: Patrick Devane
3rd Place: Judy Twomey
4th Place: Peg O’Neill
5th Place: Julie McGuire
Thanks to everyone who came out and took part in the fun!

Hope everyone is having a great summer!

In these parts we rarely cheer for any teams other than the White Sox or Cubs...BUT in this case we've got a big round of applause for the Pirates on winning the Evergreen Park Baseball Club Pee Wee Championship 2023! Standing ovations for our Wildcat players Thomas Lugowski, Cannon Morris and his dad / Asst Coach Rob Morris and JD Ramazinski along with his dad, Asst Coach Jim Ramazinski. Great job guys!

Just because it's summer doesn't mean the learning stops! Ms. Scorzo visited the Presidential home of George Washington about a week ago and at the President’s grave, she was asked to do a reading during a commemorative wreath ceremony. Quite an honor! She can’t wait to share the information with the students on the fall.

TBT - QM Style! During the last week of school, the students finished up their learning and had a fun activities filled Field Day! There were several stations for the students to move to and each class spent about 20 minutes at each station. The children tried their hand at Bags, Don’t Break the Chain, Basketball, Relay Races (carrying a cotton ball on a spoon), Freeze Dance, Pool Noodle Hockey, Rock / Paper / Scissors and the favorite - how many pizza boxes can you carry!!! Several of the 8th graders came back to help. Special thanks to Home and School for providing lunch of hot dogs, chips, cookies and water. Even after all of that - our Wildcats got to relax with a movie and popcorn! We Miss You Wildcats! Hope you're having a great summer!

This is the last week to get your Cow Pie Bingo tickets!!!

Summer is here but that doesn't mean our teachers stop thinking about their QM kids! Mrs. Gagner went to see a few of our first and second grade girls play a playoff game. Too bad they didn’t win but it was great to see them play a good game!!!