Happy Father's Day to all our Wildcat Dads!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Father's Day 2023
The Queen of Martyrs School community would like to congratulate Nancy Myers on her well deserved retirement. For 34 years, Nancy would arrive long before school started and stay long after school to ensure the children would cross the street safely. No matter what kind of weather, Nancy was always there with a smile and a cheerful good morning or have a nice day. She saw so many children grow up over the years. We are all going to miss you Nancy!!! Best of luck as you start your retirement. #MartyrsLove
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Nancy Retirement
RIDE THE FLOAT!!! Details are still to come but the date is set! Join us June 30th and ride our Parish Float in the Independence Day Parade!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
4th Parade 2023
RIDE THE FLOAT!!! Details are still to come but the date is set! Join us June 30th and ride our Parish Float in the Independence Day Parade!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
4th of July Parade II
Mrs. Gagner’s first grade class shared their enjoyment of the last week of school with some of the residents of Mercy Circle. The children colored pictures to brighten up their rooms or common areas. They partnered up with a resident and showed off their reading ability by reading a short story. They ended their visit by playing a game with them. The residents and students were both grinning ear to ear. One of the residents was over heard saying “this was so much fun” and the first graders concurred as they all wanted to go back the next day!!!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Mercy 4
Mercy 3
Mercy 2
Mercy 1
It's only been a few days but it feels like forever! School is out for the summer but since today is the first day we don't have to "wake up early for school," we thought we'd share a few snapshots from our last day!
over 1 year ago, Ken Churilla
Last Day 2
Last Day 3
Last Day 4
Last Day 5
Last Day
A big round of applause and many thanks and blessings. See you all in the fall!!!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Thank You 2023
Enjoy your last day and then ENJOY YOUR SUMMER WILDCATS!!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Last Day 2023
A big round of applause for a great job to all of the QM spring soccer teams! It was a fun season! Thanks to all the coaches and parents for their support!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
QM Soccer 2
QM Soccer 3
QM Soccer 4
QM Soccer 5
QM Soccer 1
While their journey within these walls may have come to a close, they will always be part of this school and this community. Congratulations to our Queen of Martyrs Class of 2023 graduates but remember: Once a Wildcat...ALWAYS a Wildcat!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Grad 2023 - 10
Grad 2023 - 9
Grad 2023 - 8
Grad 2023 - 7
Grad 2023 - 6
Grad 2023 - 5
Grad 2023 - 4
Grad 2023 - 3
Grad 2023 - 2
Grad 2023 - 1
Congratulations to our graduates!!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Graduation 2023
One of the great things about the end of the school year (and the run at QM) is getting to take on your teachers in a spirited game of volleyball. Yesterday, our 8th Grade Students took on the QM Staff Volleyball Game. Everyone had a blast!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Students Vs Staff Volleyball 2
Students Vs Staff Volleyball
Our hearts break for the St. Linus 8th grade student who passed away suddenly last week. We are holding the entire St. Linus community and her family in our prayers.
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
St. Linus Sorrow
"Jesus is in the center of your heart. In the Gospel, we heard Jesus say let the children come to me. At all times during your life you can turn to Jesus." The statue of Jesus with the children, which had resided at St. Bernadette School for so many years, was moved to its new permanent home at Queen of Martyrs School. A parishioner, Joe Albarran, donated his talents and restored portions of the statue which had broken or weathered over the years. Pictured with Fr. Benedykt is Joe (left) and Bill Hardy, who served as a model for the boy in the statue and whose family donated the statue to St. Bernadette School several years ago. We thank the many parishioners who joined us and the many children who said some words as our statue found its way to its new home.
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Statue 1
Statue 2
Statue 3
Statue 4
Statue 5
Statue 6
Statue 7
Statue 8
Statue 9
Remember, Memorial Day is so much more more than just a day off of school...
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Memorial Day 2023
This week, our 8th graders celebrated their last PE class with a game of kickball...
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
8th Graders 2023
Wednesday was Superhero Day and our Preschool to 1st grade had two surprise visitors to celebrate…Ariel and Spider-Man!!! Ariel read a story, did Ocean Yoga and the freeze dance with the children while Spidey shared how to do superhero poses. All classes had a chance to have a class picture with Ariel and Super-Man and all the children each got to get a high five!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Superhero Day 2
Superhero Day 5
Superhero Day 3
Superhero Day 4
Superhero Day 1
The Student Council and Junior National Honor Society met after school to clean up the St. Joseph’s parking lot. They swept up dirt and rocks that accumulated from the winter not just for the general cleaning but for our upcoming Cow Pie Bingo! Father Benedykt was so pleasantly surprised to see everyone cleaning up the lot that he stopped to thank the kids for all of their hard work and take a picture with our hard-working Wildcats!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Clean Up 5
Clean Up 4
Clean Up 3
Clean Up 2
Clean Up 1
Our 8th Graders took a trip to Great America this week for a fabulous day for roller coasters. Thank you Mrs. Scorzo, Ms. Mohr and all of our adult chaperones. Graduation is almost here!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Great America 3
Great America 2
Great America 1
School might be over but it's never too early to get ready for next year! Be sure to get your 2023/24 registration squared away!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Registration 2023/24