All practices scheduled for Vitha Hall this evening have been cancelled.
Due to the impending Winter storm there will be NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, MARCH 3rd
Parents - don't forget!
Don't forget Tomorrow!!!
As we head towards our annual St. Baldrick's event on March 10th, Father Benedkyt has issued a challenge. If our Wildcats, along with our Queen of Martyrs & St. Bernadette parishioners can combine to raise $7,500...FATHER BENEDYKT WILL SHAVE HIS HEAD AT THE EVENT!
Talk about a Win / Win! We get to help in the fight against childhood cancer AND help Father secure a pretty hip haircut! So let's get going on those donations Wildcats...we can do this!
Today marks the beginning of Lent...
Father Benedykt led our prayer service outside this morning, complete with the burning palms, in preparation for Ash Wednesday.
Be sure to make your plans for Ash Wednesday mass tomorrow...
As we head towards our annual St. Baldrick's event on March 10th, Father Benedkyt has issued a challenge.
If our Wildcats, along with our Queen of Martyrs & St. Bernadette parishioners can combine to raise $7,500...FATHER BENEDYKT WILL SHAVE HIS HEAD AT THE EVENT!
Talk about a Win / Win! We get to help in the fight against childhood cancer AND help Father secure a pretty hip haircut! So let's get going on those donations Wildcats...we can do this!
Enjoy your long weekend Wildcats!
Who want's something fun to do this weekend? Come experience the world famous dueling pianos from Howl At The Moon RIGHT HERE IN OUR OWN GYM! Saturday - February 18th - right here in our own Vitha Hall!
With the Chicago Mayoral Election on the near horizon, it's a great time to learn about the election process so Miss Riley's third grade class is learning about voting. Five students have thrown their hat in the ring to run for class president and yesterday, they gave their speeches in front of the class.
Today is the last day for donations. If you can help, please drop off your donation at the office today...
A reminder that our new Interim Principal Mrs. O'Connor will be onsite to meet & greet parents this evening at the Queen of Martyrs Church.
We are pulling together to help. If you can help, please send in or drop off your donation before Tuesday, February 14th...
It may be Super Bowl Sunday but we're only worried about one (well, two) winners - THE QM COOKIE DECORATING CHAMPIONS!
The cookie committee voting team has decided upon the two winners from our Catholic Schools Week Cookie Decorating Contest. CONGRATULATIONS to 4th grader, Luke Thill and 5th grader, Arianna Sanchez!
NEXT WEEKEND! Come experience the world famous dueling pianos from Howl At The Moon RIGHT HERE IN OUR OWN GYM! Saturday - February 18th - right here in our own Vitha Hall!
Join us on TONIGHT for Pack the House Night for girls volleyball!
Let's all show up and show our support for our Lady Wildcats!!
Mark your calendars! Let's beat down childhood cancer...Wildcat style!
We are pulling together to help. If you can help, please send in or drop off your donation before Tuesday, February 14th...