Alex Arguello (6th Gr) and Analise Reyes (5th Gr) both tested and earned their 1st Degree Black Belts from T-USA Martial Arts in Palos Heights! They both worked hard over the last four year to achieve this goal. We are so very proud of them!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Easter isn't too far away, which means neither is the Easter Bunny! Make your plans now to have breakfast with the Easter Bunny at Queen of Martyrs. Be sure to bring an Easter basket for the Easter Egg Hunt!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Breakfast Easter Bunny
We hope you will make plans to join us at St. Bernadette on April 16th...
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Divine Mercy
Do you know any families that are looking for a great school for their soon-to-be kindergartener or pre-schooler? Tell them about QM's Early Childhood Open House on April 19th! They can visit the classrooms, meet some of the staff and the kids can engage in some fun and educational activities!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Early Childhood Flyer
Don't forget, NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! Enjoy your long weekend Wildcats!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
No School
This week after our Tuesday 8:30a mass, all of the Queen of Martyrs School students that made Honor Roll were presented their certificates for all of their hard work. The school and parish community were present along with parents, grandparents and other loved ones. Congratulations for all your hard work! We're so very proud of you!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Honor Roll 3
Honor Roll 4
Honor Roll 5
Honor Roll 6
Honor Roll 10
Honor Roll 9
Honor Roll 8
Honor Roll 7
Honor Roll 1
Honor Roll 2
Queen of Martyrs School had the unique opportunity yesterday to celebrate the all school with Father Benard Cotter from Ireland and Father Benedykt. On Monday March 20th, Father Cotter came to Queen of Martyrs School to share his life in Ireland and how he is following his calling by serving several churches in Ireland. After speaking to the children he held a Q&A period. Father Cotter came from Ireland not only to speak to the students and parishioners of Queen of Martyrs and Saint Bernadette, but also to be the speaker at our Lenten Mission.
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Father Ireland
Join us this morning at St. Bernadette Church or this evening at Queen of Martyrs Church for our Lenten Mission with Fr. Bernard Cotter from County Cork, Ireland.
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Lenton Mission Mass - Weds
Don't forget...and don't wear green!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
School Pics
Join us this morning at Queen of Martyrs Church or this evening at St. Bernadette Church for our Lenten Mission with Fr. Bernard Cotter from County Cork, Ireland.
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Penton Mission - Tues
Don't forget, No School this Friday!!!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
No School
Join us this morning at St. Bernadette Church or this evening at Queen of Martyrs Church for our Lenten Mission with Fr. Bernard Cotter from County Cork, Ireland.
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Parish Lenten Mission - Mon
Registration for the 2023/24 School Year is open! Be sure to secure your student today!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Remember, we've got dinner covered tonight! See you this evening in Vitha Hall!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Pasta Dinner
Happy St. Patrick's Day Wildcats!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
St. Patrick's Day
Scan the QR code for details of our Lenten Parish Mission led by Fr. Bernard Cotter from County Cork, Ireland.
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Lenten Parish Mission 2023
Don't forget, St. Patrick's Day Mass is THIS AFTERNOON! We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
St. Pat's Day Mass
We hope you will make plans to join us at St. Bernadette on April 16th...
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
Divine Mercy Sunday
Have you made your plans for St. Patrick's Day Mass yet? We hope to see you!
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
St. Pat's Day Mass
What a day! Last Friday, Queen of Martyrs School hosted our annual St. Baldrick's event to beat childhood cancer and it was a smashing success. In fact, it was such a success that we met Father Benedykt's challenge and he shaved his head as well! Thank you to everyone who participated and donated.
almost 2 years ago, Ken Churilla
St. Baldricks 1
St. Baldricks 7
St. Baldricks 6
St. Baldricks 5
St. Baldricks 4
St. Baldricks 3
St. Baldricks 2