We hope you will make plans to join us at St. Bernadette this Sunday...

We hope you're planning to join us for our May Crowning mass on May 7th and then for our luncheon after at Clancy's Pub. Deadline to RSVP for the luncheon is May 3rd so be sure to get your form in today!

Nearly 400 folks came joined us for our Breakfast With The Easter Bunny this weekend. What a wonderful turnout! We hope everyone had an amazing time and a very blessed Easter!

May you all have a very blessed Easter

Who likes breakfast AND the Easter Bunny? We hope to see you tomorrow morning!

Good Friday Blessings...

Have a great Easter Break, Wildcats!

We hope you will make plans to join us at St. Bernadette on April 16th...

Who's all coming to have breakfast with the Easter Bunny this Saturday?

Mrs. Gagner’s 1st Grade class started off Holy Week with a palm cross she made for them from the blessed palms from Palm Sunday.

Remember, Easter Break starts this week!

Do you know any families that are looking for a great school for their soon-to-be kindergartener or pre-schooler? Tell them about QM's Early Childhood Open House on April 19th! They can visit the classrooms, meet some of the staff and the kids can engage in some fun and educational activities!

Don't forget, today at Mass you can bring items to donate to our Spring Parish Food Drive! Check the graphic below for a list of items they need...

We hope to see you Wildcats this weekend...

Yesterday, the 7th grade class walked over to Mercy Circle and joined with the residents to pack up Easter Bags for the homeless children that are served by Margaret's Village. The students made friendship bracelets with each child's name on it to help spread the hope and joy of the Easter Season.
Michal Muhammad, Development Director of Margaret's Village, was present to talk with the students about homelessness, to thank them and discuss the services provided at Believe and Maria Shelters.
Thank you Ms. Mohr for organizing this wonderful experience!

We hope you will make plans to join us at St. Bernadette on April 16th...

The 6th-7th-8th Grade students took a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Christ's Passion in St. John, IN. Students were able to walk and pray in the footsteps of Jesus on a guided tour of the life-size Stations of the Cross.
Students, teachers and adult leaders were also able to visit at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Plaza and see Moses with the 10 Commandments on Mount Sinai. To end out pilgrimage, Fr. Ritchie celebrated Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church.
Thank you to our teachers, adult chaperones, and Fr. Ritchie for making this a spiritually enriching experience for our students.

Beginning this weekend at mass, you can start bringing items for our Spring Parish Food Drive to help the Evergreen Park Food Pantry. Check the graphic for a list of the items they need. Thank you all in advance!

It's been a few weeks but what an amazing story about our amazing St. Baldrick's event. We are so proud of ALL of our Wildcats for doing their very best to beat childhood cancer!

THANK YOU everyone for your support to the Wildcat Wheel. With your support, the Wildcat Wheel was able to sponsor the rehab of the stage in the gym!
It started with the stripping, sanding and sealing the stage floor. New curtains we purchased and installed and finally the sound system was up dated. There are two wireless microphones with three microphones in the curtain over the stage along with sound panels in the ceiling.
Thank you so much for you help and support.