QM Girls Basketball is back in action! Come out and support our Wildcats! Best of luck to our Lady Wildcats! See all Fall Sports Schedules at https://www.qmschool.com/o/qomcs/page/athletic-schedules
5 months ago, Stephen Davidson
QM Fall Sports are in action this week! Come out and support our Wildcats! Good luck to our Football and Soccer Teams this season! Go Wildcats!
5 months ago, Tina O'Shea
soccer Qm 1
soccer Qm 2
soccer 1/2
Happy Labor Day!
5 months ago, Tina O'Shea
Gianna Fest is just 3 weeks away! Get your Mega Passes!
5 months ago, Tina O'Shea
There's Still Time to Enroll for 2024-2025! We continue to add new families to Queen of Martyrs School! Enrollment is Open for New Families and Transfer Students! Come visit with our Admissions Officer and Principal Davidson to learn more about available scholarships and what makes Queen of Martyrs such as special place! Be a part of the 40+ new students joining us in the Fall! Families can fill out a student inquiry form to setup a tour at https://www.qmschool.com/page/admissions Learn more about the Enrollment process at https://www.qmschool.com/page/enrollment-process
5 months ago, Tina O'Shea
Calling all Wildcats! It's time to create the 2024-2025 Spirit T-Shirt! Designs are due to homeroom teachers by Friday, September 6th.
5 months ago, Tina O'Shea
QM Wildcat Blankets are available in the Main Office for $25 (Cash/Check). Proceeds Support QM Athletics! Great for the Fall cooler temperatures ahead and the sidelines at the games. Go Wildcats! Main Office is open M-F 7:30am-4pm.
5 months ago, Stephen Davidson
Sharing (Tuition Reduction & Fundraising) ~What is the Sharing Program? Sharing is a great way to earn tuition credit while shopping and dining at local establishments and online. Families purchase gift cards online or in person for over 750 vendors who participate in this program. Families then earn a rebate for every card they purchase with the vendor setting the percentage of the rebate. This makes shopping at stores you already frequent beneficial because it reduces your tuition bill and raises money for the school at the same time. Once a family signs up for the program, twice a year (January and July) they will receive a rebate based on their purchases. The school earns 50% of the percentage and the family receives 50% towards their tuition. For those participating that do not have children in the school, you can designate a student to donate your rebate to or receive a check. Example of a purchase: $150 Jewel/Mariano's gift card bought through Sharing for weekly groceries has a 4% discount. If a family buys a $150 card each week, they would receive $3 toward their rebate and the school would earn $3. Over the year, the rebate savings would continue to grow and after 26 weeks, the rebate would be $78 for the family and $78 for the school. With over 750 vendors, families can save hundreds of dollars in tuition rebates for money they would already be spending otherwise! https://www.qmschool.com/page/sharing-tuition-reduction
5 months ago, Stephen Davidson
sharing program
First Full Week of School! Week of August 26th ~ Principal's Newsletter https://conta.cc/4cFG4KY
5 months ago, Stephen Davidson
Principals Newsletter
First Full Week of School. Reminder: Tomorrow is a 1:30 Dismissal. Go Wildcats!
5 months ago, Tina O'Shea
We had a great first week back at school! Enjoy the weekend, Wildcats!
5 months ago, Tina O'Shea
Welcome Back, Wildcats!
5 months ago, Tina O'Shea
A few seats for PreK 3 year olds and PreK 4 year olds have opened! Limited seats are available! Interested families can fill out a student inquiry form to setup a tour at https://www.qmschool.com/page/admissions Learn more about the Enrollment process at https://www.qmschool.com/page/enrollment-process
5 months ago, Tina O'Shea
Employment Opportunities for 2024-2025 Queen of Martyrs is seeking the following positions: -PreK 3 Year Olds Classroom Aide Part Time: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays only 730am-3:00pm -Extended Day Aide Hours flexible: Mondays-Fridays (mornings: 6:30am-8:00am and/or afternoons: 2:30pm-6:00pm -Substitute Teachers Join our amazing team of dedicated and talented Queen of Martyrs teachers! Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Principal Mr. Stephen Davidson at sdavidson@qmschool.com.
5 months ago, Tina O'Shea
Welcome Back to School! August 17th Edition https://conta.cc/4fQYAmq
6 months ago, Stephen Davidson
See everyone on Sunday! We can't wait for another great school year to start! Join us on Sunday, August 18th for our Family Mass at 10:30am and our Back to School Bash afterwards! Go Wildcats!
6 months ago, Tina O'Shea
We welcomed our Queen of Martyrs faculty & staff back today celebrating the Feast of the Assumption with Mass, prayer, and a special blessing. During our teacher meetings, we spent time reflecting on our vocations as Catholic school educators with Lectio Divina on Mark 10:13-16 "Let the children come to me" and the inspirational phrase posted in our classrooms and hallways: Let it be known to all who enter here that Jesus Christ is the reason for this school, the unseen but ever-present Teacher in all its classes, the Model of its faculty, and the Inspiration for its students. May Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, bless our teachers, students, and QM families during this new school year!
6 months ago, Tina O'Shea
Queen of Martyrs Football is Back and getting ready for a great season! Go Wildcats!
6 months ago, Tina O'Shea
There's Still Time to Enroll for 2024-2025! Enrollment is Open for New Families and Transfer Students! Come visit with our Admissions Officer and Principal Davidson to learn more about available scholarships and what makes Queen of Martyrs such as special place! Be a part of the 40+ new students joining us in the Fall! Families can fill out a student inquiry form to setup a tour at https://www.qmschool.com/page/admissions Learn more about the Enrollment process at https://www.qmschool.com/page/enrollment-process
6 months ago, Tina O'Shea
We can't wait for another great school year to start! Join us on Sunday, August 18th for our Family Mass at 10:30am and our Back to School Bash afterwards! Go Wildcats!
6 months ago, Tina O'Shea
back to school